


Training & Awareness Raising





We offer the following Services:

  • Safe Environment for LGBT people in the North-East.
  • Drop in service (see ‘Groups‘)
  • National LGBT Helpline (
  • Health Education Workshops
  • Outreach work
  • Befriending
  • Social Events
  • Training within our community
  • Training provided to the voluntary and statutory sectors.
  • Information on Physical, Mental and Sexual Health (see ‘Health‘)
  • Free condoms


Outcomers provide training and information for groups or families.

We deliver LGBT Awareness training to local  & national organisations, both big & small. We are always open to meeting groups and chatting  about the issues that effect LGBT people, their Families and friends.

For more information or to book get in touch:

042 93 29816

[email protected]

Room for Rent

Small counselling / therapies room available to rent.

Rented on hourly basis, the room is suitable for one to one counselling or a small group. Alternatively, the same room is available to be used for some therapist such as Massage, Reiki or Reflexology.

For more information or to book get in touch:

042 93 29816

[email protected]